"Cool list! There is a Mystery Machine in our town; I get goofily happy every time I see it drive by."

"Yay, Mr. Bean's car! Win. Psst - how about Christine or The Monkee Mobile?"

"Hey, another TWoP fan! (Or are you?) I am not as pitiless about some shows as they are, but they called it right in most cases here. 'V' was pretty bad, with some horribly egregious green-screening th"

"Then end scene from 'The 400 Blows' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYW21CnBVsU"

"Spot on re: Community! It really is the best. And I totally back you up on Party Down. God, that show was great. Good list."

"The Tick! Yes to both versions. I also miss Liquid Television. If MTV is not going to run music videos, they could at least schedule something worth watching."

"The only ones I've seen are the many titles that were riffed on Mystery Science Theater 3000."

"I tried the American versions of Skins, Shameless and Being Human recently. The only one I stuck with was Being Human. That show has gone far afield from the original (actually, they are incorporating"

"These are fun - where did they come from? I think the Mystic River one is my fave."

"Mean Girls, Bring it On and Rat Race are awesome. Don't feel guilty! :)"

"I've seen 4 of these, but I probably will never see the rest. Not willingly, anyway."

"I love your list. I could add about 3 dozen more shows that I can't believe people watch. (Anything with multiple wives or kids, for example.) You should watch this incredibly funny video that spoofs "

"Good comments. I especially agree with the Community ones. It's really hard to choose a best one with so many outstanding episodes. I really, really love that show!"

"Funny comments - sometimes I think it's better if I never really get to know rock singers and other idols; I suspect very few of them are people I would be friends with. Keep the mystery."

"I love him! 'Dirty Pretty Things' is my favorite of his performances, but he was really great in "Talk to Me" to."

"Love Eric! Sometimes, he is my favorite Python. (It's hard to pick just one, though!)"

"Daniel Dae Kim! That Lost island was awash in hotness. (I love Naveen Andrews too.) Great list."

"Great list...I was just singing along to 'Black' yesterday and thought about how amazing that line is. Good call!"

"Not all of these have made it to American telly (at least in my area) but I do like quite a few of them. Anything with John Cleese or Rowan Atkinson is guaranteed funny."